Wednesday, July 23, 2008

End of the road

Just as in the title,I would like to publicly say that this is the end of road for my faithful pair of basketball shoes.They have served their purpose well and now,after three long years,I have to let them go.

This is the hardest thing for me to do.Throwing away shoes that have served me so faithfully all these years.It is such a tragedy.Below are pictures of the condition of the shoes.Readers,please be warned,these pictures may be too graphic for you.

This is the condition of my shoes.If you notice in the picture there's tape on the heel of the right shoe.No,that's not tape which I had stepped on.That tape is what's holding the sole of the shoe from not tearing off.I know,it looks so sad.

Here's another shot of those shoes again.(Viewer discretion is required!)

As you can see,there is a moral to this story.Nothing lasts forever and the only force that will forever exist is Allah.I sound like a preacher now,do I?

Well,as sad as this may seem,life must go on.With one pair of shoes gone,in comes a new pair.Let me present to you readers to my new Nike shoes.

My new Nike shoes!White power rules!

Here's a close up look of those shoes.Ain't she a beauty?

Before anybody starts to saying those shoes are not original,lemme tell you bastards,that it cost me RM180.00 for those shoes and there was no discount for it.Sure,some people would say "RM180 is cheap" but for people like me who are just not as rich as Paris Hilton or jack ass from Bukit Beruntong (Why Bukit Beruntong?),it's the most that I can spend.

Anyways,it's going to be tough taking care of white shoes.It kinda reminds me of school.haha.

Currently listening to "That Green Gentleman (Things have changed)" by Panic at the Disco.


Anonymous said...

aku ingat kasut ni
ni la kasut jalan kau
ni la kasut gi kelas
gi makan kat bus stand
kasut futsal
kasut basketball
kasut utk semua occasion

deadpool said...

Yer.Tepat skali ko apa yang ko kata tu.Kasut tu segalanyer utk aku.hehehe

Cam ko kata: R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

wah lau. poor ur no X wife.

u sad that i'm single and not available? XD

waNny said...

aku ingat kasut tuhs .. kasut tuhs ko g beli ngn aku kannnn ?? :p

deadpool said...

wanny:Nope.Mana ada.Kasut tu aku beli time raya.hehehe..aku penah beli kasut ngan ko ker?Seingat aku cap ada la.

waNny said...

bukan beli ngan aku ke ? aish .. ade sumone beli reebox ngn aku .. ngehngehngeh .. but then aku rase cam ada .. i dont know .. dh loss :p

tapi ape aku tau .. kasut nie dah lame okeeeeeeeeee

dYnA said...

it'S fEeL gOod tO havE a nEw pAiR oF sHoE!
fEeL LikE LitTLe girL goT hEr cAndy!

deadpool said...

erk.Like a lil' girl getting candy?hahaha..I'd rather feel like a boy who got a transformers toy for his 8th birthday.