Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Game Plan

Welcome,dear readers to another edition of Drain Bamage. I know the title sounds corny and cheesy and is a rip-off from a movie but I think that title is exactly the thing I wanna ramble about.

You see,for the past few days,my mind has been disturbed.The reason being is that I may not have the chance to tell how I feel about this certain person.I'm going back to Penang on the 25th and my last paper is on the 23rd.My initial plan was to ask that particular person out maybe a few days after the exams but you know how things usually don't work out as planned.Ok this is nonsense.Let's name this particular person "Megan" as in Megan Fox.How I wish it was actually Megan Fox.

Ok.The plan is simple.Ask Megan out and then at the end of it all tell her how I feel.Here,I got a script ready for it.Let's put some comedy in this shit,shall we?

Deadpool: Well,this is it.It's been fun.This is the last time I'll be seeing you.

Megan:Yeah.It has been fun.Well,then,good bye!See you around.(she walks off to her home)

Deadpool:Megan!Wait.Hold up.I....have something to tell you.I may not have another chance to tell you this and this could be my last chance for me to tell you.

Megan:(Pause) What're you talking about?

Deadpool:You know...we been out for,two or four times like that and I kinda have this strange feeling about you.You know,like butterflies in your stomach.

Megan:(Looking confused)

Deadpool:Ok.I'll get straight to the point.I think I like you.I wouldn't want to use the word "love" because that would be too strong to describe this feelings but..yeah,I like you.I just had to say it because who knows,I might not be alive tomorrow so I just had to let you know about it.It's OK if you can't accept that but I felt like this had to be the right time to tell you.I've waited a long time to tell you this and I thought that this was the right moment to tell you.

Megan:(looking shocked)

Deadpool:I know what you're gonna say.You're going to say "Are you kidding me?" and then I'll say "No,I'm not kidding."Or if you can't say anything at all maybe you can just give me an sms or anything.That'll be just fine.OK.I've said all that I wanted to say.I think I'll excuse myself.Don't be a stranger OK?

Now,there could be two conclusions to this thing.
1.She says that she can't accept it but would like to just remain friends.Nothing else.Or to put it in stronger words:Sorry,you're just not my type.

2.She says the feeling's mutual and that we should take things easy slowly.Or to put in in stronger words:I got feelings for you too,but it's just too early and we need to get to know each other well first.It's just not official.Yet.

I'd prefer for the 2nd conclusion but who knows what will happen if I don't tell her.I may or may not like the answer that's going to come.Now that felt a teensy weensy better now.I've been having this bottled up inside of me for some time and it's really affecting me.I don't know whether it's just too early or the right time.I've asked around and they say I should just go and tell her how I feel.It doesn't matter whether she accepts or not.What matters is you tell her or else you will regret it.

I wonder if those this thing really work out in the real world?Only one way to find out if life is really as dramatic as Britney Spear's life.Sorry,Nicol.I just had to use Britney.I don't like using Jessica Alba 'cos I like her.

Currently listening to "Highway to Hell" by ACDC.


Anonymous said...

I choose 1st conclusion.sorry my dear!

p/s: go and listen craig david 'walking away'.

nicolred said...

hahaha mr drain,
this is gonna be a big bang boom story!

deadpool said...

Hey,megan fox.That sounds like a good idea.

Walking away...from the troubles in my life...lalaalalalalala...ah crap.

nicol:like i have the testicular fortitude for it..d'oh!

nicolred said...
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waNny said...

GOOD LUCK mr Deadpool !!! :D

deadpool said...

Thank you,Wanie.