Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lucky Number 7

7 random facts about me:
1.I wear glasses
2.I don't want to work in Penang
3.I hate auditing but maybe I'll have to reconsider that statement.
4.I love eating at McD
5.I used to watch porn
6.I've recently finished my studies.
7I'm looking for a job

7 things that scare me:
2.Failure-failure in exams,failure in getting the girl of my dreams etc....
3.Chaos in Malaysia.
5.Big bugs.
6.Gory movies with a lotta blood-Final Destination movies.

7 random music at the moment:
1.Beat It - Fall Out Boy
2.Low - Flo Rida
3.Astronomy - Metallica
4.I Disappear - Metallica
5.From Yesterday - 30 Seconds to Mars
6.Forever - The Veronicas
7.Power Rangers theme song

7 things I say the most:
2.Oh shieeet..
3.What the fuck..
4.What the fruit...
7.Argh!God damn it.

(all the swear words.I know)

7 things I treasure the most:
1.My family
2.My friends
3.My handphone
4.My laptop
5.My Arsenal jersey
6.My WWE Smackdown t-shirt
7.My car

7 "first time" things I ever did:
1.Kiss a girl.Waaaaay back in....damn,I can't remember.
2.Smoke.I don't do that anymore.
3.Watch porn in Form 3 when my family members were asleep.
4.watch Jurassic Park at the movies in Aberdeen,Scotland
5.Get into a bloody fight back in Aberdeen,Scotland.I got the scars to prove it.
6.Hit a car and then ran away.I think my car got the worse out of it.
7.peed my trousers when I just can't hold it back anymore waaaay back in primary 3 when I was in Aberdeen,Scotland.

7 people to do this:
I dunno.Anybody,I guess.


Anonymous said...

the author didn't mention anything about pussycat dolls. i'm stunned.

deadpool said...

Pussycat dolls?Which part?