Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The end of the MMU adventure...for real.

Welcome,dear readers,to another edition of Drain Bamage.This is is gonna be a long one.An emotional one,I guess.I'm gonna look back at my adventure at MMU and say:Hell,what a ride!

First of all,I'd like to hail my housemates who have been really great to me.Heck,they're the best people around that a guy could ask for.They may look like a rag-tag bunch of pirates but deep down,they're cuddly like those Care Bears.I'd like to hail these guys:Alip,Fareez,Saz,Ameen,Mamu,Fezal,Butt,Syahrir and Buster.Those guys are the best.I especially liked the time when we all would hang around and waste our time playing games and playing cards.Those were the good old times.I'm gonna miss them.In a male platonic kinda way,ok!

Then,there's my classmates.Azzeri,Lionel,Wanie,Nicol,Alia,Ena...and a whole lotta bunch of people who I dunno who to mention.They're also the best people a guy could ever ask for as friends.

It's just funny about the way I met these people.I didn't really know them but in the end,we all became kinda close and it's a shame that I didn't get the chance to hang out with them on the last day of the exams.Someday,I'm gonna look back at those times when I met them all and laugh out loud how things became this way.Seriously,for instance,if you knew how I met Wanie,you'd laugh.And if you knew how I became tight with Azzeri,you'd laugh also.

What else have I discovered?Well,I did find love here but it didn't quite work out for me.Maybe I'll get lucky next time when I'm working.I have to credit those girls for giving me hell and also giving me happiness.I hope you guys are happy.I'm not dissing anybody here ok.It's just a statement to say that I want them to be happy.

Then,there's also a couple of people who I don't quite like.Take for instance,this creepy lil' bastard who I thought was a good buddy of mine but it turned out,he's been backstabbing me all along.He's always wanting to know about everybody's business and shit.But when it comes to people wanting to know about his shit,he gets all defensive and starts going "Mind your own business."Well,I'm glad that he finished earlier than me because I'd hate to see his fucking face again around campus.Who am I talking about?I'm not telling but some people might know him.Let's hope I don't have to see his face again.

All in all,I'd say I had fun.Let's see what the next adventure holds for me.Who knows,I might get to save the world.

Currently listening to "Four Minutes" by Madonna featuring Justin Timberlake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrates azrai. aku org selangor jer tapi atok aku meninggal kat penang coz makcik aku yg tinggal kat penang jaga arwah. ko peang celah mana?