Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ain't happy.AT ALL!

You know,when you're working,you're supposed to be happy to receive your salary.People would be planning a lotta things once they got their salary.They'd be like planning about where to spend all that money.Not me.I am definitely not happy.

The reason:
1.I have to pay for my car.
2.I have to pay for my rent.
3.I have to save some money for a future event.*wink*wink*
4.I can't think of a better way to spend the money other than for my own stupid self.

Sheesh.Ain't I the most pathetic guy ever on this planet?I mean,I can't take Amy out on a nice dinner without ending up being pennyless at the end of the month.It's easy for me to ask her for some money but I ain't gonna do that.I'm not the kinda person who'd ask a girl for money.Besides,where's the honor in that?

Sometimes,I got myself thinking.With this kinda thing going on,would I be able to sustain a healthy financial status like this?Hell,imagine me with this kinda financial situation when I get married?What a horror flike that would be!It got me thinking.I have got to find a solution for this.Gotta get some extra money.I wonder where?I can only think about drug pushing or even my ass hole.But then again,who'd wanna buy from me?Even I wouldn't want to buy from myself.It's disgusting.I can't imagine myself bending over for some ugly ass guy.Urgh...Now THAT is disgusting.

Sigh.I miss watching wrestling.

Currently listening to "I Miss You" by Incubus.


nicolred said...

work sucks, I know.

Anonymous said...

sheesh... arsenal are winnin' and u are complainin'

Anonymous said...

pls visit my blog and read an entry called fire prevention for more money making tips.

Anonymous said...

it has no resell value.
swift sucks =P
if the swift is gone you could take the whole world out for dinner.

your work doesnt suck too bad.come can actually sleep.think about all those unfortunate ppl who cant even breathe.

deadpool said...
