Saturday, March 22, 2008

If looks can kill

Ok.Wow.Now I'm trying something new here.Blogging?Never thought that I'd be doing something like this but what the hell,there's always a first time for everything,right?
So,what do i want to talk about in this never before seen (or read) post?I dunno.I've been thinking,where can I let out all this things that are on my mind?Write them down in a notepad?Naaah...I'm too lazy to be doing all things.So,I figured where else can I let people know what's on my mind and make them laugh?The internet!That's the best place for people to know my crazy ideas and who knows...maybe put a smile on those sad faces.
I know this sounds like a lame idea for a guy who craves attention but who cares?Even politicians do these kinda things?In fact the damn bastard won in the last election!I was like..whoa!And then out came out the popular three words:What the fuck?
Look at how blogs can be fun.We can change the world and even make the Olsen twins happy about their weight.Wait a sec.Only Mary Kate is having weight problems and not Ashley.Ah!Never mind.The point is,maybe by writing blogs,we can make the whole world be a better place.Not that it can make a difference but we can try,right?
Anyways,this is my first post which i think is like one small step for mankind.No wait,that's not right.Lemme rephrase that.One small baby rat steps for mankind,one huge step for me.I still think this doesn't sound right.Ah.Whatever.As long as I'm happy.

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