Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm getting engaged!

Geez.I feel like it's been like forever that I've written something on my blog.Well,as you know,I don't have much of a life these days and I'm just too darn busy with work (Yeah right!).Actually I'm just too lazy to find a spot with free Wi-fi.What can I say,I'm too poor to even have an internet connection at home.

So,what have I got to say about myself.First things first.I wanna say that I'm getting engaged.Yep.E.N.G.A.G.E.D.I'm not joking.It's the real deal.I AM getting engaged.Doesn't sound like I'm telling the truth eh?I know I'm a liar and I swindle people but I'm not shitting you readers on this.Who am I getting engaged with?Definitely not with Megan Fox I ain't.Nor am I getting engaged with Shia Lebeef.No.I'm getting engaged with my lovely,Amelia.

I know it sounds kinda rush or anything but I guess,things just became that way.When you think about it,it sounds....strange and in a way,it got me thinking,how'd it get this way?We were in the same class for like...4 years...then somehow with God's good grace,we end up hooking up with each other and now we're gonna get engaged.Seriously,I never saw this part of this ever happening in my life.Yet,I'm thankful to have her.I'm also to lucky to have her.She's been wonderful to me.Even when I screwed up real bad,she forgave me.When I said real bad,I'm talking about shit that can fuck up a relationship.And yeah,she gave me a good whooping after that.haha.

Anyways,that's all i gotta say about that.I'm just getting engaged.Nothing special.Just an engagement,people.

Currently listening to "Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed.


xxx said...

Happy azrai~
Congrats bro and Amelia.

Aziatty said...

such a big improvement i should say.
this is wht i call a real love story. hehe
happy for both of u
jemput jgn x jemput.

NuNu said...

Congrats Azrai...Bile tunang nye beb?Huhu..diam2 trus bertunang ye ko..Hehehe...akhirnyee...

dYnA said...

nK tunAnG dAh yEa?
piC aMeLia nyE mnE?

cOngRatz AzRai!